
rob orr Pain clinic

Andrew, Knee pain and shoulder pain

I'm a builder and have spent many many years being pushed and pulled about by various health professionals. Over the past 20 years, I've had issues all over my body both due to sudden and repetitive strain injury types. I can say with conviction that Rob is far away the most scientific, logical and progressive in his approach. Long before any manipulation, Rob takes the time to understand (and communicate) the particular problem needing correction. From there, his gentle manipulation and exercises are tested, adjusted and then tested again. A consultation with Rob empowers you to progress your own healing by way of the targeted stretches and exercises tailor made for your particular ailments. I have had several issues knee, hip and shoulder / forearm related improved by Rob. If there is a flare up issue with these again, I have in my mind a toolkit of corrective exercises from Rob that enables me to manage and direct the recovery. I have recommended Rob to several friends, and have no hesitation in so doing.

Charlie, lower back pain

Hi Rob, its feeling better - much less pain now and more flexible

Thanks for the follow up.

Georgina, tingling into the hands

Hi Rob
The elbow is much better today. Last night I had less numbness and pain which is also great. The tingling has subsided substantially - I can't believe how quickly that was the case after the neck exercises.

Benji, Inner Thigh and knee pain

Hey Rob,

The exercises are going really well. Trained legs the same day after your treatment but did the stretches before and after as you advised. The day after was probably the first day in a while that I didn't wake up in a lot of pain moving around. No pain around the knee area now and I would say my adductor area is probably about 90 percent better so far.

Going to keep up with the stretches and I have a feeling it will be completely gone pretty soon.

Thanks so much Rob, amazing result seeing you as always!

sean, knee pain

I made an appointment to see Rob after hearing about The Mckenzie Technique and suffering a right knee injury playing with my son on an already diagnosed torn meniscus. I was limping for 2 weeks and in all sorts of pain. My surgeon which operated on my left knee for the same reason recommended surgery as he also believed the right knee to be worse.

After 1 session with Rob I immediately felt better and had more range of motion in my knee. He taught me stretching exercises and empowered me to take control of my injury and do what I can to assist the amazing work I was receiving. This along with 3 more visits and at home exercises I regained full motion of my knee and have never looked back. 12 months on and going strong.

Rob Orr - Well done! your dedication to your craft and professionalism have paved the way for another healing journey. Thank you!

Blair, knee pain & loss of motion

I was playing in a grade 3 pennant match of tennis playing singles against a strong opponent. When running wide to hit a forehand I could not slow down fast enough slid a few metres and my knee dropped down into the ditch and then smashed into the wall at full force. After this had happened I immediately forfeited the match as I could barely walk and I had immense pain just trying to walk. After the next few days I lost a lot of range of movement on my knee. I could barely move my leg inwards without a lot of pain I was stuck with my right foot pointing away from my body.

I had heard from a lot of my friends that the only person to see for a serious injury is Rob Orr. I went to Rob’s location expecting just a normal myotherapy treatment but upon arrival and examination he informed me that I had a Knee Derangement which is a Joint Obstruction, where I couldn’t move the joint properly without pain. He explained that he is a McKenzie Therapist and he will be able to help me out.

Rob is the most professional therapist I have ever come across. He did dry needling of my VMO muscles just above my Right Knee. Then he gave me strict exercises that I had to do every single day to help improve my knee.

Rob then booked me in for another appointment for the following week. Which was essential as that by the time I saw Rob and he got me to show him how I was doing the exercise, I had become forgetful and was doing the exercise completely wrong. Upon seeing Rob for the second time (a week later), he did some more dry needling and made me do the exercises correctly and got me to do them a few times before he let me leave to make sure I could not possibly forget them.

Following this, I did my prescribed exercises every day for the next week and without even thinking about my knee. I now, 3 weeks after barely being able to walk without a lot of pain, I am back to playing a high level of tennis with absolutely no pain in my knee, full range of motion and feeling stronger than ever.

Claudia, Chronic Lower Back pain

"I saw Rob for a chronic lower back, left butt, left hip flexor and left quadriceps pain.

I experienced an increased in my chronic pain so I decided to try myotherapy.

After the first appointment, the pain reduced notably from 10 to a 5. I continued repeating the recommended exercise from the first appointment and the pain has been manageable and at days has completely disappeared.

Zac, shin splints & neck pain

"I first made contact with Rob after my shin splints flared up again for the 4th time in 2 years due to sports.

After trying different sports health professionals nothing besides rest had seemed to help the issue.

Rob was able to assess my situation quickly & start treatment in my session with him.

He was aware how tender the problem area was so rather than making it worse he worked on the area around the main pain to release tension.

A number of exercises were passed on to do which seemed to help almost immediately.

After seeing Rob another 3-4 times in relations to this injury it had seemingly cleared to feel as good as it had in the last 2 years. Rather than hard deep tissue massaging Rob was able to use a combination of McKenzie method & Myotherapy which worked amazingly. 

After my shins had started feeling good again I decided to speak to Rob about an ongoing neck issue I couldn't shake - The same as my shins, Rob assessed before starting treatment & exercises.  A couple of sessions later and my neck was starting to feel like old again.

Moving forward, I know any issues I will be straight back to Rob.

Lis, lower back pain

"I spotted the sign for Rob Orr on my way home from the station and thought 'this could be the treatment for me' after all,  I've tried so much else.

I went in and spoke directly to him and immediately felt confident in his language and his diagnostics. My 1st appointment was thorough and extensive, no rushing either.

The treatment requires a level of participation which I have not had suggested to me before but I was willing to give it my best. There are 5 treatments in total with an active requirement that maximises results. This has proved an accurate representation for me, if you do your part along with the prerequisite visits, results are yours.

My lower back requires me to do a maintenance amount of the participatory stretches  and my hips, knees and feet go along for the hour."


I just wanted to reiterate what I said on the day, the massage students and Rob that came to our International Nurses and Midwives day were absolutely fantastic! I think at the end of the day we counted and they had massaged about 100 of our nurses and midwives which was an incredible achievement and the reviews were great.

Three students came on the day (I forgot their names sorry!), and while it was a big workload given the small number of students, they got such rave reviews and always had a smile on their face.

Rob has been to The Women’s for this event before, and when he arrived the organising committee were so excited because he’d been so great in the past, and he certainly didn’t disappoint.
On behalf of the organising committee and all of the nurses and midwives that attended on the day, I want to extend our sincerest thank you for your involvement in our day.

Kind regards,

Victoria, Lower back Pain & Sciatica

Firstly, I wish to thank you for your professional passionate and wonderfully informative seminar.
Since I have seen you, I have not had any pain! A little discomfort but no pain!!

Many Thanks Victoria

telehealth video consultations

Michael, Rib Pain & ABdOMINAL PAIN

Shortly after a Go-Karting collision involving a hard side impact which resulted in having the wind knocked out of me I started developing pain along the right abdomen on the rib tip area. Unfortunately It increased in pain after a week of heavy lifting at work.

The worst it would get was when I was in bed rolling over, getting in and out of bed and driving, where every bump in the road would be agonising. When the pain got to the point where I couldn’t work (8/10) I went to the doctor. Poked and prodded I was then sent off to get blood tests and ultrasounds for suspected internal injuries.

Nothing seemed to add up, so I called Rob for his opinion. He asked me for a full history of the injury, what, how and when.

He ran some tests on me and we talked through the results (I want to stress this was all done on a phone!). He appeared to know straight away what it was, I wasn’t so convinced. He gave me some stretching exercises to perform 5 times a day, simple movement exercises.

So this conversation was around lunch time on a Saturday, I probably did these stretches 3 times that afternoon and evening. I went to bed with a pain factor of 8/10. I woke up that Sunday morning a 3/10, I couldn’t believe it, truly was an incredible diagnosis from Rob.

Rob has a wonderful manner, a very matter of fact approach to his craft and the great thing about Rob is that he backs it up with his results. He located the problem straight away and saw remarkable results in a matter on 12hrs.

A true professional, thank you.

Ilona West, Auckland, New Zealand

Rob gave me a telehealth consultation regarding my very painful knee. Rob was very professional and very thorough in diagnosing what the problem was and he followed up the diagnosis with a treatment regime. He showed me what to do, and then followed through with a video of the correct way to perform the exercise. The treatment was very effective and I was pain free after a day or two. Thank you Rob.

Sushil Pandey, Gomia, located of Bokaro district in the Indian state of Jharkhand.

Symptoms were intense pain in my left arm. Lack of sensation in fingertips. Unable to sleep without heavy pain medication. Ability to work productively was seriously impacted and I was forced to take medical leave due to the level of pain and discomfort. As my role was a local India team manager for a global department, this was a serious issue.

Before I was recommended to see Rob I was forced to take 3 weeks medical leave from my job and spent 3 weeks in hospital receiving various physical treatments based on Indian therapeutic manipulation. There was zero improvement at the end of the 3 weeks and both myself and my Line Manager were very concerned how to manage the situation.

My Line Manager arranged an initial Skype consultation with Rob. During this consultation Rob directed me via Skype to perform specific movements to enable his diagnosis. Very quickly Rob suspected the issue was a badly herniated disk in my neck. He then demonstrated some very simple exercises to perform and ensured that my technique was good. Within 1 week of performing these exercises, I was able to sleep without pain medication. We maintained weekly consultations and each session Rob was very thorough in probing my progress through getting me to perform specific movements & modifying my exercises as required.  The tingling sensation / pain in my left arm was almost completely gone after 6-8 weeks and the sensation in my fingers also returned after another month or so. However I should state that I was back at work within 1 week of the first consultation.

It is difficult to express how grateful I am to Rob. Prior to his treatment I was not able to work effectively, was in a lot of pain, and my mental health was suffering. Within 1 week, I was able to return to work and regained my productivity. I should note that Rob instructed me how to incorporate the prescribed exercises into my daily work routine and I was of course very motivated to follow his advice given the rapid improvements I was experiencing. At all times Rob was extremely professional & genuinely interested in getting my health back to normal. It is difficult for me to convey in words how important his online treatment of me was when you consider the alternative was a 2 hour drive to the nearest city with a hospital and medical professionals (which were previously unsuccessful in treating me).

Alex Brown, Ankle Pain, Melbourne, Australia

Through asking systematic questions with exercises Rob pinpointed the source of my troubles which turned out to be where neither of us had first expected. His prescription of a single exercise started helping immediately and by our follow up consultation I was showing massive improvements. The telehealth format surprised me with its efficacy and thus I can highly recommend a telehealth consultation with Rob!

Jodie ling, knee pain, Melbourne, Australia

I had an amazing telehealth appointment with Rob yesterday. He really listened to my problem, and asked thorough questions, to ensure he understood what was happening in my body.

He figured out that my knee pain was coming from my lower back, and gave me some exercises that made it feel better immediately!!

I was so impressed, I was afraid I may not have been able to go running for weeks, but was back out there two hours after the telehealth appointment!

Rob is an absolute pro with rehab and exercise science, I booked with him via telehealth, knowing that he is fully capable of diagnosing and prescribing appropriate rehab in person.

maya ngolab orr, Bangkok, Thailand

My husband Dr Nicholas Orr recommended that I have a telehealth consultation with Rob as I was experiencing neck pain and altered sensation in the form of pins and needles going down my arm and into my hand, and limited movement in my neck. After a one hour consultation with Rob my neck felt significantly better, and the pins and needles in my arm and hand disappeared. I couldn’t believe that this one simple exercise that Rob prescribed me made such a difference.

Kylie, Foot pain & Associated Calf/achillies discomfort, Melbourne, Australia

48 hours post consultation follow up response from Kylie: It’s really starting to come good, thank you! Less pain in the morning and I went for a 2.5 km walked and pulled up really well. Short slow run planned for Saturday ( 4 days after consult). The step stretches are really helping.

Sue, lower back & foot, Auckland, New Zealand

Rob has been extremely helpful in treating my back and foot issues. He clearly explains the exercises he gives me and the reason for doing them. Rob is passionate about his work I have no hesitation in recommending his services.

Tim Mann, lower back & Hip, Sunnynook, New Zealand.

I was referred to Rob by a friend in New Zealand after my first physiotherapy session was cancelled as we went into lock down. As never having  this type of intense pain before in my hip and lower back I was not prepared to wait until things returned to norm, and consulted Rob. After an online consultation was set up Rob diagnosed I was suffering from a Sacroiliac joint dysfunction and advised me a set of exercises to relive the pain and get things back on track. Soon after this Rob reduced the exercises to just one which over the coming days has greatly relived the pain and I am able to now do some of  the chores that are waiting around the home as we wait for this lock down to end.

Thanks Rob for the way you made this so easy over the w.w.w, I'll make sure to look you up the next time I visit Melbourne.

Tutoring for industry professionals in person & live webinars

Webinar 2021 ATMS (Australian Traditional Medicine Society)

  • Knowledge and delivery incredible

  • Very Clear in presentation

  • Rob Orr was a great presenter who knew his topic. The presentation was Interesting, and added great insight into the treatment of myofascia Mobilisation.

Parramatta 2020 ATMS (Australian Traditional Medicine Society)

  • Rob Orr is by far one of the best facilitators as his presentation style is highly effective, easily

  • Excellent Speaker knows his subject well complete with much hands on experience.

  • Very Pertinent and problems that many sufferers present into my clinic.

  • Excellent.

  • Rob has so much knowledge that will benefit all of us Massage therapist conduct our practices
    more effectively!

  • Excellent presenter with information and methodology invaluable to every professional
    massage Clinic!

  • Very enthusiastic and full of useful information.

  • Rob's enthusiasm and knowledge was well received. He presented his work not just in a
    professional manner but also his understanding of ailments was well matched with his skill
    (which he developed over many years) in handling them sensitively. I would feel confident to
    consult him.

  • Robb is very knowledgeable & I felt relaxed in his presentation.

  • Mr Rob Orr’s seminar: 5 stars.

  • Rob Orr has a good understanding of the spine and I would welcome other areas of training
    that he has to offer.

  • More from Rob for sure brilliant presenter!

Melbourne 2019 (ATMS)

  • Rob has so much to share. Thoroughly enjoyed his presentation and interaction.

  • I am very satisfied I need more knowledge from this presenter.

  • Rob is a very knowledgeable, confident and pleasant presenter. Efficient in his presentation with no hesitation regarding dealing with questions and interaction with participants.

  • Really enjoyed the content. Would love to have Rob follow up and continue with part two of the seminar going deeper into treating nerve and low back pain.

  • The presenter was very knowledgeable about the topic and presented the information well.

Gold CoAst 2019 (ATMS)

  • Rob Orr is knowledgeable, experienced and a good and interesting presenter.

  • I learnt a lot from this workshop and enjoyed it immensely.

  • Very informative, interesting, and concise presentations and demonstrations. Practical sessions were also conducted well, with time to spend with the instructor. Questions were answered and discussed throughout the presentations.

  • A productive seminar, informative and a very nice presenter.

  • Rob is very passionate and very knowledgeable on the topic and is very well mannered. I think we all enjoyed the workshop.

  • Rob provided an excellent course on the diagnostic & treatment plan to spinal nerve pain. It was very informative with clinical notes and practical work. Today’s course has strengthened my knowledge in working with spinal pain. Many thanks Rob.

Adelaide 2019 (ATMS)

  • Awesome presenter!!

  • Rob was fantastic, spoke very well and answered all our questions and was very helpful, hopefully he will be allowed to do a 2 part to the course and other courses for neck and thoracic

  • Rob Orr is very knowledgeable! His techniques should be on Dr's recommendations for Sciatic nerve pain sufferers.

  • Rob gave good clear information to help with lower back nerve pain, he gave us just enough to digest in one day, to take away and use with confidence immediately.

  • I have come away with a lot more knowledge in the topic for today. Very useful tools and informative

  • Excellent, common sense language, good speed and excellent rapport with participants

Sydney 2019 (ATMS)

  • He was fantastic! I learned so much from this seminar. Thank you.

  • Rob spoke with confidence and personal experience He was entertaining, and I was riveted to every word. The practical work was easy to follow and repeat in practice. I will definitely book in to stage 2 if I can beat the charge (stage 1 quickly sold out)

  • Rob was very knowledgeable & helpful. Highly recommend him.

  • Rob is very knowledgeable and down to earth he keeps a very technical subject interesting and I am looking forward to part 2 in the future. A wealth of experience and knowledge on topic.

Parramatta 2019 (atms)

  • Rob had excellent knowledge of pain management

  • Rob is very knowledgeable and helpful

  • Excellent, Confident, Focus, Knowledgeable, Mindful

  • Wonderful teacher

  • Rob is easy to talk to, very knowledgeable and passionate about the subject

  • Rob was Fantastic! Very Personable & Professional. Course content was thorough & practical. Thank you Rob.

  • Excellent, Confident, Focus, Effective, Knowledgeable, Approachable, Good Presenter

  • Well prepared